Friday, July 25, 2008


Its about time America woke up to the 'Obama Phenomina'. We must fully analyze the reasons for his spectacular success. His charishma is due to the fact that his mind is powered by two powerful forces. Aperfect formal education and a near perfect informal education.His formal education is as good as it can be. He is totally qualifiedto be President. What is especial about Obama is his informal education which creates emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence in its highest form is wisdom. Wisdom is the key factorin all great leadership. America has a great tradition of greatleadership. From Benjamin Franklin and George Washington to Linclon,from FDR to JFK America has been blessed with wise leaders. Americais at that time once again when we will be blessed with wiseleadership in an Obama Presidency.What is needed is The Obamanization of America and beyond. Not justObamanization of political leadership also the Obamanization of allaspects of human life. We take great care in our students formaleducation like math andscience while more or less neglecting informal education that createsemotional intelligence(wisdom). Both intelligence and emotionalintelligence are essential for great leadership and just as essentialalso for every human being. This is a great chance for the news mediato highlight the powerful force of wisdom that is powering Obama'smind.THIS IS A TIME TO CELEBRATE OBAMA'S WISDOM AND ALSO ASK OURSELF WHY DO WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF COURSES FOR TEACHING FORMAL EDUCATION LIKEMATH AND SCIENCE AND NOT A SINGLE COURSE FOR TEACHING INFORMALEDUCATION THAT DEVELOPS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE? MANY OF THE CRISISES OFSOCIETY CAN BE TRACED TO THE LACK OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEEDUCATION. WILL YOU CONSIDER WAKING UP AMERICA ATLARGE AND THE WORLDOF EDUCATION AND POLITICAL LEADERSHIP TO THE FACT THAT THE TIME HASCOME FOR THE CREATION OF A NEW COMPULSORY SUBJECT THAT TEACHES EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I completely agree with you on the "emotional intelligence" which Obama possesses. I am wondering whether you can recommend any websites which talk about Obama's emotional intelligence?

I have also found myself in sort of a trance everytime I hear him speak. He is never boring! Have you found any websites which talk about how he is able to accomplish this?

Thank you!