Friday, July 25, 2008


Please review the following and see if you can publish this letter.
There is not a single peace plan out there. It is about time we take
steps to educate all involved that there is always a way out of any mess.
There is a new hypothesis out there that has quantified the human
mind into four basic stages as follows:
1) Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
2) Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
3) Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
4) Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.

Quantifying the mind means that every human activity is now
quantified. Take the example of war and peace. War is a premature
activity having a value of-2. State of war is an immature activity
having a value of-1. Truce is a mature activity having a value of +1.
Peace is a super mature activity having a value of +2.In order to
achieve +2 results one must start with +2 ingredients especially if
the supply of -2 ingredients on both sides is unlimited. Take the
example of World War 1 and 11. The first war defeated Germany with -2
ingredients. The -2 ingredients resulted in another -2 World War 11.
Only the +2 Marshal Plan created the current +2 relations between the
warring factions.
The mess in Iraq looks hopeless with no way out. It seems we do not
have any options. It is about time we woke up and became aware of
our real options in Iraq. It is possible to create a real peace
plan for Iraq.
It is essential that we understand the real nature of wars. Wars
are a -2 entity. Anything that has a value of -2 will only create
-2 results. We are tired of the current Iraq situation yet our
government is still trying the same tactics that have been tried
over and over again and have failed. Dumping more and more money
into the war machine will only increase the
-2 ingredients. We are trying to win peace by force of war. Can -2
ever equal +2? Then how can war(-2) bring peace(+2)? The only way
to bring +2 peace is by introducing +2 ingredients into the Iraqi
A wake up campaign for all Iraqis must be launched immediately.
Show the Shias, Sunnies and the Kurds that the consequences of
their current course will mean more death, destruction, pain and
suffering for many more years. Tell them that they have a choice
between war and peace. Make them aware that that there is another
option for them. An option for peace and prosperity.
Tell them that no American government will ever accept defeat. No
matter what the cost. So in spite of all the toll of life and
resources America will fight on if the Iraqi factions don’t opt for
peace. However if the Iraqi factions decide to start pursuing peace
America can be their equal partner. We will create a Marshal Plan
for Iraq. We will gradually start pulling out our military and
start sending in doctors, engineers and construction teams. We will
spend whatever it takes to help Iraq get back on its feet. We will
help individual Iraqis to get back on their feet. We will rebuild
cities. We will stop spending on -2 ingredients. We will even help
those who are displaced. Iraqis must be made aware of how soon
their lives can start improving if they choose to put the past
behind and embrace peace for a better present and an even finer
We must make them aware that their future is in their own hands and
that the only victories are all +2 victories. They can continue on
the current course or they can choose peace
and all the +2 results that will come with peace. Especially with a
fully committed America that will be fully engaged in rebuilding Iraq.
If the administration will not pursue this peace offer then some
prominent NGOs along with people like President Carter and
President Clinton along with people like Senator Mitchell can post
this on the Iraqi web, TV, radio and especially on bill boards in
Just as we have a war office we must create a peace office. Just as
we have a military we must have a peace army. Imagine an army of
peace personal similar to the US Peace Corps all over the world instead of
the current military personal on bases where the military is
training and waiting for war. Imagine the US peace army replacing soldiers on the current US bases arround the world constructing and building infrastructures all over the world and changing minds and hearts(brains really) through emotional intelligence education.
Sajid Ali Khan
The 4th R Foundation, Inc.
233 East, 59TH Street,
NY NY 10022
212 421 4848

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