The Wisdom Express
The key word in this Presidential election is change. The real question is which one of the current candidates will bring the most profound change that will benefit the whole country.Lately a lot of articles have appeared that are examining the qualities of the current Presidential candidates to determine who will be the best President for the US. I found that profound progress has taken place whenever the leader was wise. If you look at history from the beginning of time you will find that wise leaders have taken the world to greater heights not only during their own time but even for future generations and the world has enjoyed greater peace and prosperity during their rule. From King Arthur to BenjaminFranklin to Lincoln to Gandhi, wise leaders have made long term positive changes for humanity and not just during their own time.So we must consider voting for who ever is the wisest candidate in the current field. Let’s first examine what wisdom is and how do we distinguish wise leaders.In spite of all the research being done on wisdom, there is nostandard definition of wisdom. The very concept of wisdom is messy.Some attributes of wisdom are clear like one who possesses wisdom has a mastery over his own human nature, has a good knowledge of others and of human life in general. He is humble and treats others with love and respect. His humility creates a life long quest for learning and a very high threshold for getting insulted or getting angry.. He perceives himself as part of a larger entity. Setbacks are a part of life and an opportunity for learning. He is immersed in the now and yet he is detached from actual setbacks in life, where he may lose much but emotionally he remains calm. He perceives reality just as it is and not from his own or anyone else's angle. He loves and accepts the truth.. He is altruistic.
I have a simple hypothesis that quantifies the mind into four levels as follows:
1) Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
2) Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
3) Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
4) Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.
Quantifying the mind means that every human activity is now
quantified. Take the example of war and peace. War is a premature activity having a value of-2. State of war is an immature activity having a value of-1. Truce is a mature activity having a value of +1.Peace is a super mature activity having a value of +2. In order to achieve +2 results one must start with +2 ingredients especially if the supply of -2 ingredients on both sides is unlimited. Take the example of World War 1 and 11. The first war defeated Germany with -2 ingredients. The -2 ingredients resulted in another -2 World War 11.Only the +2 Marshal Plan created the current +2 relations between the warring factions.
As there are four levels of the mind there are four levels of people in every society and four levels of countries. Those that are at the lower level can be shown why they are at this level and how they can be educated to the +2 level. Thus groups and even countries can be taught self mastery. Laws, policies and priorities can all be graded and replaced with +2 activities. With a +2 mind even ordinary dead end situations become opportunities for over coming failures. I can go on and on with practical applications. The most pressing problem facing us today is to decide which leader to put into the White House for at least the next four years. Both the present contenders are brilliant. Both deserve to be President for many reasons. The trillion dollar question is which one will be the best choice. Let’s apply the basic hypothesis to this question:As there are four levels of the mind there are four levels of human beings and four levels of leaders as follows:
a) Premature mind (-2)...a totally self centered brutal nature.Leaders that are stuck at this level manifest themselves as dictators and tyrants. At this stage of the mind the child considers his own self as all reality. In his mind he alone exists. Ones ownself is all that counts. Others don’t count at all as they don’t even exist. Leaders who are stuck at this emotional mind level consider themselves as all important and they build huge monuments to themselves and stash away money in illegal accounts neglecting and robbing the common man and the country. To achieve their own goals they abuse their power, commit atrocities and abuse human rights. Inspite of all the illegal wealth and power this mind level leaders are very insecure. They spend a disproportionate amount of money on their own and their countries security. For these leaders they alone area bove the law and everyone else is below the law. Except for the very few cronies of the leader the rest of the country lives in poverty and life remains a constant struggle. Many countries in the world are ruled by this -2 mind level leaders. We must wake up the world to their -2 emotional mind and its consequences.
b) Immature mind (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage of the mind level the teenager thinks that even though he has no power today his time will come and he deserves the best today. He will try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he feels he can get away with committing illegal acts. Leaders whose minds are stuck at this level are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes at the cost of the country and the common man. Most third worldcountries have this level mind leaders. Inspite of all the commerce and trade with the neighboring countries they still spend too much on defense neglecting real development sectors.
c) Mature mind (+1)... a responsible nature that respects the equality of all. At this stage the adult mind considers himself as first among equals. He still struggles to make the most for his ownself. He works for his own family first. Leaders who are at this level of the mind work for their whole nation but more so for their own supporters, their own party and their own vested interests first. When it comes to international relations they put their own country above all else. When President Bush places jobs above carbon emissions he is coming from this mind level. Most developed countries are in this category. They especially overspend on defense to remain first in military power at least in their own neighborhood. So called super powers and aspiring super powers try to expand the range of their defense powers by spending even more to show off power beyond their borders. They spend more than they need on defense but they spend enough on other sectors where the economy benefits the whole country.
d) Super mature mind (+2) altruistic nature. At this mind level the mind develops to the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom. The person considers himself as part ofthe whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of caste and creed, gender or economic status. Leaders who manifest themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and also try their best to help other countries. They don’t help their own supporters above the opposition. They treat all alike with the same highest respect. For them all the people at large especially the poor are worthy of more attention and financial assistance so
their priorities and policies focus on education, health, infrastructure and
economic growth away from defense. Such leaders bring economic
prosperity and real change in the lives of all the sections of
society. The whole country becomes richer. Such leaders are truly
altruistic and humble. All their spending is rational. Their
priorities are equally focused on education, health, and infrastructure
and defense and every thing in-between. This is the kind of leader
every country needs every time there is an election.
Applying the above clues to wisdom I have
prepared the following questionnaire to determine who is the best
choice from the present contenders. You will have to decide for
yourself I will not name any one. It is up to you to find your own
answers. In fact you can add your own additional questions:Each question will have one of four possible answers. The answers
will be gradedby the level of the mind the candidate has developed in that
particular area of the question. For example:
1) Is she/he cool in private?
a) All the time. The grade for this answer is +2.
b) Most of the time. +1
c) Some times he/she is definitely not cool. -1
d) Most of the time in private he/she is not cool. -2
1) How qualified is he/she for the job? Answer: +2, +1,-1, or-2.
2) What is his/her hands on experience?
3) How motivated is he/she?
4) How stable is he/she emotionally?
5) How much real success has he/she achieved working with others?
6) Does she/he use spin to impress others?
7) Does she/he behave differently in private than in public?
8) Does he loose his/her temper?
9) Does he/she show the same respect to all including his/her assistants?10) Is he/she a good listener?
11) How is her/his health?
12) Is he/she humble?13)
Is he/she a life long learner?
14) Does he/she inspire you?
15) Does he/she have a boxed-in ideology?
16) Is he/she jingoistic?
17) Is he/she ridged in her perceptions?
18) Does he/she trust other experts to do their jobs?
19) Does he/she delegate?
20) Has he/she crossed any red lines in the past?
21) Does he/she own up to mistakes?
22) What kind of upbringing did she/he have?
23) How good is he/she in taking expert advice?
24) Does she/he have any original ideas?
25) How does he handle failures and setbacks?
26) How does he/she handle personal finances?
27) What kind of supporters does he/she have?
28) Does he accept contributions from above suspicion sources only?
29) How green is his/her house and vehicles?
30) How good is he/she with her family?
31) Can you say he/she is altruistic?
32) Is his/her personality made up of substance or spin?
33) Does he/she act or react?
34) What kind of confidence does he/she show?
35) Has he/she used his/her campaign chest wisely so far?
36) Does she/he inspire you?
37) Can his/her advisers tell him/her when he/she is wrong?
38) Does he/she research the issues as an insider?
39) Does he/her articulate his messages?
40) Does she/he mean what she/he says?
What is 'The Wisdom Express':FRANCHISING SERVICES, (FREE OF CHARGE) NAMELY OFFERING TECHNICAL ANDEDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT AND/OR OPERATION OF 'THEWISDOMEXPRESS' WHERE PEOPLE AT LARGE WILL BE EDUCATED TO REALIZE THEIR INDIVIDUAL, GROUP AND COUNTRIES POTENTIAL BY EXERCISING WISDOM, AND LEARNING TO BE WISE IN ALL THAT THEY DO. WITH ESPECIAL EMPHASIS ON GUIDING PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR WHICHEVER CANDIDATE FOR HIGH OFFICE IS THE WISEST. 'THE WISDOM EXPRESS' WILL BE A PLANE/BUS/VEHICLE THAT WILL BEPAINTED WITH WISDOM TEACHING INSIGHTS. SPEAKERS WILL BE TRAINED TOTEACH PEOPLE THE STAKES INVOLVED IN CHOOSING THE RIGHT/WISECANDIDATES. THROUGH THIS VEHICLE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED BOOKLETS EXPLAINING WISDOM AND THAT THE GREATEST POSITIVE CHANGE HAS COME THROUGH WISELEADERS. THIS FRANCHISE WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO MAKE THE WORLD +2 AND WHO WANT TO ELECT LEADERS WHO ARE WISE. Starting with America we must take, 'The Wisdom Express' all over the world to make the common man aware of the importance of voting for wisdom. Wisdom is rare only because wisdom is wrapped in ignorance. Wisdom is the highest form of emotional intelligence that creates selfmasters. Lets start branches all over America. We will start here in America by putting a self master in charge of the White House and you can help recreate the same level of leadership in your conner of the world. Together we can make the whole world aware of the power of wise leadership and wisdom in our own lives.We can start learning wisdom ourselves and start teaching it to one and all. Please get in touch through email.
Sajid Ali KhanFounder/President
The 4TH R Foundation, Inc.(Where the R is as in the 3R's of educationand the R stands for truth/reality)
The Brain Power Club(R)
The Wisdom Express
233 East 59 St.NY NY 10022
212 421 4848
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