Tuesday, July 29, 2008



Human brain capacity depends on branching of brain cells and formation of complex links between them. Imagine how many brain cells are in play when the brain of a shy person like us, is always working on a multilevel. Not only is our brain focused on listening to the other person, we are constantly trying to hide our shyness and trying to appear coll. We are also looking for any signs of ridicule, feeling guilty and uncomfortable all at the same time. They say that most humans use only 10% of their brain. We use over 30% of our brain. As a result, our brains are exercised far more. We have worried ourselves into super-brains. I am tempted to say that shyness is the mother of greatness. Look at all the giants of history who were shy. Even some of the greatest political leaders were shy. These are people who have to address large audiences. Did you know that president F.D. Roosevelt, our greatest leader of the 20th century was shy like us? The greatest scientist ever Einstein was shy as was the wisest human of all time, GandhiThere are two kinds of human beings, mature and immature. The mature ones do not make fun of others not even shy people. They understand shyness. I am sure you can recall some people who love and respect you in spite of your shyness. Immature people make fun and ridicule us due to their own immaturity. When ridiculed do not feel bitter about yourself, feel sorry for the immaturity of the person who makes fun of you. Try to show him that you understand where the poor person is coming from. He deserves our sympathy for being immature. Instead of focusing on our shyness focus on the immaturity of the poor person. Play a game, see who is mature, and who immature without insulting anyone.Shyness is not too much of a bad thing. Do not feel so unhappy about it. It enables the shy person to sit on a mountain of enhanced mental capacity. It makes your brain far more fertile and imaginative. It gives you an edge over others especially in the artistic fields. Because your brain capacity is deeper, and you can think of many topics; your brainpower congers up a far more imaginative and colorful result. The trick is to find your calling and give it all you got. Your vast power will ensure superior results. This will bring you love, respect and wealth.We are extraordinary people who may have a self image problem which can be corrected. Research shows that a vast number of shy people loose their shyness merely by opening up and sharing their fears, disappointments, frustrations, and hopes. If you are carrying an emotional load, just by talking about it can lighten it. Try it and see for your self. In fact, what helped me was standing before a mirror, seeing myself eye to eye and telling myself how I feel, expressing all my fears and disappointments. At first, I was uncomfortable. Slowly over many days, I did not feel anything. Now when I look at myself in the mirror I smile and feel OK. Sharing my fears with another friend helped me even more. When you feel shy just observe your feelings in an impersonal manner without judging yourself and with out feeling guilty.Many of us do not have the friend to share our fears with. Yet there are over 12 million shy people in the United States alone and I am sure some of them will love to speak to you. For starters let us shift our focus from brooding over our shyness to sharing our experiences and emotions with others like us.I will soon float a trail balloon of Shypower.com to get together shy people so that we can share our common experiences and help each other to actualize our vast potential. We have built up a heavy-duty circuitry of brainpower. We have the capacity to function at a much higher level. Our brains are far more resourceful. Our vast mental powers enhance creativity. In addition, we can get rid of our shyness. Imagine a shy free mind with immense brainpower

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