Once upon a time there were two people living on the same land. TheirPatriarch was the same. They both coveted the same real estate astheir holy ground. So they fought for hundreds of years. The timecame when the whole world got affected by their dispute and they bothgot tired of fighting. So they started peace talks which lasted fordecades. Governments came and went and the peace talks went on and onand yet they remained far apart.In both the groups there lived a wise man, each very popular in hisown group. Their actions had brought great prosperity for their ownpeople and even affected the other side. The elders having tried allkinds of leaders finally went to their respective wise man and askedhim to do something. They both agreed to negotiate peace on thecondition that their agreement be honored and implemented.They both had opening statements before going in to the peace room.One of the wise man said to the other, "Your people have done so muchharm to my people that you people deserve to be hated! Yet I couldnever do that because hate is a gang leader. It would never come intomy mind alone. Hate would bringwith it jealousy, fear, anger, guilt, confusion, tiredness and illhealth etc. Harming me more than it would ever harm you. As when thewhole ugly gang settles in it leaves less room for math and science.Also it would result in shifting my focus from our own progress tohow to destroy you thus divertingvaluable resources etc. etc. So for my own sake I have always loved you!The other wise man replied, "Your people have been the scum of theearth for my people yet I have always loved you! For love is a gangleader too. It does not come into the mind alone. It bringshappiness, confidence, pleasure, relaxation, health, calmness etc.into the mind. Thus making the mind more powerful for math andscience. This has brought health, happiness and even prosperity forme and my family. So I have always loved you for my own sake." Afterthese statements they went into the room alone. After two hours theyboth emerged from the room. They had a peace treaty which was a fewpages long. Every one cheered.They were asked how could they work out a peace agreement in twohours where it was not possible for hundreds of years. One of thewise men read a statement that both had jointly written. " We knowthis question will be asked.. Well we went into the room with theright tools for fixing peace. Suppose war is red and peace is blueand your aim is to both create the color blue then you both have togo into the room with the color blue. If we both go into the roomwith the color red then there is no way , not in a 1000 years, thatwe can come out with the color blue. If we went into the room withred paint then all we can come out with is red paint. There is notrick in the world that can change the color red to blue. We bothwent into the room with blue paint only. Even if we tried to producered we couldn't do it because we did not have the tools to producered. Even though we both love each other too much for our ownselfish reasons love can only produce results it is capable of. Lovecan only produce peace!" With the peace treaty every thing was up andup from GDP to Gross National Happiness for both countries.Would you be interested in knowing the exact peace treaty that the two wise men had negotiated?
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
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