Human brain capacity depends on branching of brain cells and formation of complex links between them. Imagine how many brain cells are in play when the brain of a shy person like us, is always working on a multilevel. Not only is our brain focused on listening to the other person, we are constantly trying to hide our shyness and trying to appear coll. We are also looking for any signs of ridicule, feeling guilty and uncomfortable all at the same time. They say that most humans use only 10% of their brain. We use over 30% of our brain. As a result, our brains are exercised far more. We have worried ourselves into super-brains. I am tempted to say that shyness is the mother of greatness. Look at all the giants of history who were shy. Even some of the greatest political leaders were shy. These are people who have to address large audiences. Did you know that president F.D. Roosevelt, our greatest leader of the 20th century was shy like us? The greatest scientist ever Einstein was shy as was the wisest human of all time, GandhiThere are two kinds of human beings, mature and immature. The mature ones do not make fun of others not even shy people. They understand shyness. I am sure you can recall some people who love and respect you in spite of your shyness. Immature people make fun and ridicule us due to their own immaturity. When ridiculed do not feel bitter about yourself, feel sorry for the immaturity of the person who makes fun of you. Try to show him that you understand where the poor person is coming from. He deserves our sympathy for being immature. Instead of focusing on our shyness focus on the immaturity of the poor person. Play a game, see who is mature, and who immature without insulting anyone.Shyness is not too much of a bad thing. Do not feel so unhappy about it. It enables the shy person to sit on a mountain of enhanced mental capacity. It makes your brain far more fertile and imaginative. It gives you an edge over others especially in the artistic fields. Because your brain capacity is deeper, and you can think of many topics; your brainpower congers up a far more imaginative and colorful result. The trick is to find your calling and give it all you got. Your vast power will ensure superior results. This will bring you love, respect and wealth.We are extraordinary people who may have a self image problem which can be corrected. Research shows that a vast number of shy people loose their shyness merely by opening up and sharing their fears, disappointments, frustrations, and hopes. If you are carrying an emotional load, just by talking about it can lighten it. Try it and see for your self. In fact, what helped me was standing before a mirror, seeing myself eye to eye and telling myself how I feel, expressing all my fears and disappointments. At first, I was uncomfortable. Slowly over many days, I did not feel anything. Now when I look at myself in the mirror I smile and feel OK. Sharing my fears with another friend helped me even more. When you feel shy just observe your feelings in an impersonal manner without judging yourself and with out feeling guilty.Many of us do not have the friend to share our fears with. Yet there are over 12 million shy people in the United States alone and I am sure some of them will love to speak to you. For starters let us shift our focus from brooding over our shyness to sharing our experiences and emotions with others like us.I will soon float a trail balloon of to get together shy people so that we can share our common experiences and help each other to actualize our vast potential. We have built up a heavy-duty circuitry of brainpower. We have the capacity to function at a much higher level. Our brains are far more resourceful. Our vast mental powers enhance creativity. In addition, we can get rid of our shyness. Imagine a shy free mind with immense brainpower
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The Wisdom Express - a free franchise you can start in your conner of the world.
The Wisdom Express
The key word in this Presidential election is change. The real question is which one of the current candidates will bring the most profound change that will benefit the whole country.Lately a lot of articles have appeared that are examining the qualities of the current Presidential candidates to determine who will be the best President for the US. I found that profound progress has taken place whenever the leader was wise. If you look at history from the beginning of time you will find that wise leaders have taken the world to greater heights not only during their own time but even for future generations and the world has enjoyed greater peace and prosperity during their rule. From King Arthur to BenjaminFranklin to Lincoln to Gandhi, wise leaders have made long term positive changes for humanity and not just during their own time.So we must consider voting for who ever is the wisest candidate in the current field. Let’s first examine what wisdom is and how do we distinguish wise leaders.In spite of all the research being done on wisdom, there is nostandard definition of wisdom. The very concept of wisdom is messy.Some attributes of wisdom are clear like one who possesses wisdom has a mastery over his own human nature, has a good knowledge of others and of human life in general. He is humble and treats others with love and respect. His humility creates a life long quest for learning and a very high threshold for getting insulted or getting angry.. He perceives himself as part of a larger entity. Setbacks are a part of life and an opportunity for learning. He is immersed in the now and yet he is detached from actual setbacks in life, where he may lose much but emotionally he remains calm. He perceives reality just as it is and not from his own or anyone else's angle. He loves and accepts the truth.. He is altruistic.
I have a simple hypothesis that quantifies the mind into four levels as follows:
1) Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
2) Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
3) Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
4) Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.
Quantifying the mind means that every human activity is now
quantified. Take the example of war and peace. War is a premature activity having a value of-2. State of war is an immature activity having a value of-1. Truce is a mature activity having a value of +1.Peace is a super mature activity having a value of +2. In order to achieve +2 results one must start with +2 ingredients especially if the supply of -2 ingredients on both sides is unlimited. Take the example of World War 1 and 11. The first war defeated Germany with -2 ingredients. The -2 ingredients resulted in another -2 World War 11.Only the +2 Marshal Plan created the current +2 relations between the warring factions.
As there are four levels of the mind there are four levels of people in every society and four levels of countries. Those that are at the lower level can be shown why they are at this level and how they can be educated to the +2 level. Thus groups and even countries can be taught self mastery. Laws, policies and priorities can all be graded and replaced with +2 activities. With a +2 mind even ordinary dead end situations become opportunities for over coming failures. I can go on and on with practical applications. The most pressing problem facing us today is to decide which leader to put into the White House for at least the next four years. Both the present contenders are brilliant. Both deserve to be President for many reasons. The trillion dollar question is which one will be the best choice. Let’s apply the basic hypothesis to this question:As there are four levels of the mind there are four levels of human beings and four levels of leaders as follows:
a) Premature mind (-2)...a totally self centered brutal nature.Leaders that are stuck at this level manifest themselves as dictators and tyrants. At this stage of the mind the child considers his own self as all reality. In his mind he alone exists. Ones ownself is all that counts. Others don’t count at all as they don’t even exist. Leaders who are stuck at this emotional mind level consider themselves as all important and they build huge monuments to themselves and stash away money in illegal accounts neglecting and robbing the common man and the country. To achieve their own goals they abuse their power, commit atrocities and abuse human rights. Inspite of all the illegal wealth and power this mind level leaders are very insecure. They spend a disproportionate amount of money on their own and their countries security. For these leaders they alone area bove the law and everyone else is below the law. Except for the very few cronies of the leader the rest of the country lives in poverty and life remains a constant struggle. Many countries in the world are ruled by this -2 mind level leaders. We must wake up the world to their -2 emotional mind and its consequences.
b) Immature mind (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage of the mind level the teenager thinks that even though he has no power today his time will come and he deserves the best today. He will try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he feels he can get away with committing illegal acts. Leaders whose minds are stuck at this level are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes at the cost of the country and the common man. Most third worldcountries have this level mind leaders. Inspite of all the commerce and trade with the neighboring countries they still spend too much on defense neglecting real development sectors.
c) Mature mind (+1)... a responsible nature that respects the equality of all. At this stage the adult mind considers himself as first among equals. He still struggles to make the most for his ownself. He works for his own family first. Leaders who are at this level of the mind work for their whole nation but more so for their own supporters, their own party and their own vested interests first. When it comes to international relations they put their own country above all else. When President Bush places jobs above carbon emissions he is coming from this mind level. Most developed countries are in this category. They especially overspend on defense to remain first in military power at least in their own neighborhood. So called super powers and aspiring super powers try to expand the range of their defense powers by spending even more to show off power beyond their borders. They spend more than they need on defense but they spend enough on other sectors where the economy benefits the whole country.
d) Super mature mind (+2) altruistic nature. At this mind level the mind develops to the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom. The person considers himself as part ofthe whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of caste and creed, gender or economic status. Leaders who manifest themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and also try their best to help other countries. They don’t help their own supporters above the opposition. They treat all alike with the same highest respect. For them all the people at large especially the poor are worthy of more attention and financial assistance so
their priorities and policies focus on education, health, infrastructure and
economic growth away from defense. Such leaders bring economic
prosperity and real change in the lives of all the sections of
society. The whole country becomes richer. Such leaders are truly
altruistic and humble. All their spending is rational. Their
priorities are equally focused on education, health, and infrastructure
and defense and every thing in-between. This is the kind of leader
every country needs every time there is an election.
Applying the above clues to wisdom I have
prepared the following questionnaire to determine who is the best
choice from the present contenders. You will have to decide for
yourself I will not name any one. It is up to you to find your own
answers. In fact you can add your own additional questions:Each question will have one of four possible answers. The answers
will be gradedby the level of the mind the candidate has developed in that
particular area of the question. For example:
1) Is she/he cool in private?
a) All the time. The grade for this answer is +2.
b) Most of the time. +1
c) Some times he/she is definitely not cool. -1
d) Most of the time in private he/she is not cool. -2
1) How qualified is he/she for the job? Answer: +2, +1,-1, or-2.
2) What is his/her hands on experience?
3) How motivated is he/she?
4) How stable is he/she emotionally?
5) How much real success has he/she achieved working with others?
6) Does she/he use spin to impress others?
7) Does she/he behave differently in private than in public?
8) Does he loose his/her temper?
9) Does he/she show the same respect to all including his/her assistants?10) Is he/she a good listener?
11) How is her/his health?
12) Is he/she humble?13)
Is he/she a life long learner?
14) Does he/she inspire you?
15) Does he/she have a boxed-in ideology?
16) Is he/she jingoistic?
17) Is he/she ridged in her perceptions?
18) Does he/she trust other experts to do their jobs?
19) Does he/she delegate?
20) Has he/she crossed any red lines in the past?
21) Does he/she own up to mistakes?
22) What kind of upbringing did she/he have?
23) How good is he/she in taking expert advice?
24) Does she/he have any original ideas?
25) How does he handle failures and setbacks?
26) How does he/she handle personal finances?
27) What kind of supporters does he/she have?
28) Does he accept contributions from above suspicion sources only?
29) How green is his/her house and vehicles?
30) How good is he/she with her family?
31) Can you say he/she is altruistic?
32) Is his/her personality made up of substance or spin?
33) Does he/she act or react?
34) What kind of confidence does he/she show?
35) Has he/she used his/her campaign chest wisely so far?
36) Does she/he inspire you?
37) Can his/her advisers tell him/her when he/she is wrong?
38) Does he/she research the issues as an insider?
39) Does he/her articulate his messages?
40) Does she/he mean what she/he says?
What is 'The Wisdom Express':FRANCHISING SERVICES, (FREE OF CHARGE) NAMELY OFFERING TECHNICAL ANDEDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT AND/OR OPERATION OF 'THEWISDOMEXPRESS' WHERE PEOPLE AT LARGE WILL BE EDUCATED TO REALIZE THEIR INDIVIDUAL, GROUP AND COUNTRIES POTENTIAL BY EXERCISING WISDOM, AND LEARNING TO BE WISE IN ALL THAT THEY DO. WITH ESPECIAL EMPHASIS ON GUIDING PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR WHICHEVER CANDIDATE FOR HIGH OFFICE IS THE WISEST. 'THE WISDOM EXPRESS' WILL BE A PLANE/BUS/VEHICLE THAT WILL BEPAINTED WITH WISDOM TEACHING INSIGHTS. SPEAKERS WILL BE TRAINED TOTEACH PEOPLE THE STAKES INVOLVED IN CHOOSING THE RIGHT/WISECANDIDATES. THROUGH THIS VEHICLE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED BOOKLETS EXPLAINING WISDOM AND THAT THE GREATEST POSITIVE CHANGE HAS COME THROUGH WISELEADERS. THIS FRANCHISE WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO MAKE THE WORLD +2 AND WHO WANT TO ELECT LEADERS WHO ARE WISE. Starting with America we must take, 'The Wisdom Express' all over the world to make the common man aware of the importance of voting for wisdom. Wisdom is rare only because wisdom is wrapped in ignorance. Wisdom is the highest form of emotional intelligence that creates selfmasters. Lets start branches all over America. We will start here in America by putting a self master in charge of the White House and you can help recreate the same level of leadership in your conner of the world. Together we can make the whole world aware of the power of wise leadership and wisdom in our own lives.We can start learning wisdom ourselves and start teaching it to one and all. Please get in touch through email.
Sajid Ali KhanFounder/President
The 4TH R Foundation, Inc.(Where the R is as in the 3R's of educationand the R stands for truth/reality)
The Brain Power Club(R)
The Wisdom Express
233 East 59 St.NY NY 10022
212 421 4848
The key word in this Presidential election is change. The real question is which one of the current candidates will bring the most profound change that will benefit the whole country.Lately a lot of articles have appeared that are examining the qualities of the current Presidential candidates to determine who will be the best President for the US. I found that profound progress has taken place whenever the leader was wise. If you look at history from the beginning of time you will find that wise leaders have taken the world to greater heights not only during their own time but even for future generations and the world has enjoyed greater peace and prosperity during their rule. From King Arthur to BenjaminFranklin to Lincoln to Gandhi, wise leaders have made long term positive changes for humanity and not just during their own time.So we must consider voting for who ever is the wisest candidate in the current field. Let’s first examine what wisdom is and how do we distinguish wise leaders.In spite of all the research being done on wisdom, there is nostandard definition of wisdom. The very concept of wisdom is messy.Some attributes of wisdom are clear like one who possesses wisdom has a mastery over his own human nature, has a good knowledge of others and of human life in general. He is humble and treats others with love and respect. His humility creates a life long quest for learning and a very high threshold for getting insulted or getting angry.. He perceives himself as part of a larger entity. Setbacks are a part of life and an opportunity for learning. He is immersed in the now and yet he is detached from actual setbacks in life, where he may lose much but emotionally he remains calm. He perceives reality just as it is and not from his own or anyone else's angle. He loves and accepts the truth.. He is altruistic.
I have a simple hypothesis that quantifies the mind into four levels as follows:
1) Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
2) Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
3) Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
4) Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.
Quantifying the mind means that every human activity is now
quantified. Take the example of war and peace. War is a premature activity having a value of-2. State of war is an immature activity having a value of-1. Truce is a mature activity having a value of +1.Peace is a super mature activity having a value of +2. In order to achieve +2 results one must start with +2 ingredients especially if the supply of -2 ingredients on both sides is unlimited. Take the example of World War 1 and 11. The first war defeated Germany with -2 ingredients. The -2 ingredients resulted in another -2 World War 11.Only the +2 Marshal Plan created the current +2 relations between the warring factions.
As there are four levels of the mind there are four levels of people in every society and four levels of countries. Those that are at the lower level can be shown why they are at this level and how they can be educated to the +2 level. Thus groups and even countries can be taught self mastery. Laws, policies and priorities can all be graded and replaced with +2 activities. With a +2 mind even ordinary dead end situations become opportunities for over coming failures. I can go on and on with practical applications. The most pressing problem facing us today is to decide which leader to put into the White House for at least the next four years. Both the present contenders are brilliant. Both deserve to be President for many reasons. The trillion dollar question is which one will be the best choice. Let’s apply the basic hypothesis to this question:As there are four levels of the mind there are four levels of human beings and four levels of leaders as follows:
a) Premature mind (-2)...a totally self centered brutal nature.Leaders that are stuck at this level manifest themselves as dictators and tyrants. At this stage of the mind the child considers his own self as all reality. In his mind he alone exists. Ones ownself is all that counts. Others don’t count at all as they don’t even exist. Leaders who are stuck at this emotional mind level consider themselves as all important and they build huge monuments to themselves and stash away money in illegal accounts neglecting and robbing the common man and the country. To achieve their own goals they abuse their power, commit atrocities and abuse human rights. Inspite of all the illegal wealth and power this mind level leaders are very insecure. They spend a disproportionate amount of money on their own and their countries security. For these leaders they alone area bove the law and everyone else is below the law. Except for the very few cronies of the leader the rest of the country lives in poverty and life remains a constant struggle. Many countries in the world are ruled by this -2 mind level leaders. We must wake up the world to their -2 emotional mind and its consequences.
b) Immature mind (-1)... an opportunistic nature that will break the law if the individual thinks that he can get away with it. At this stage of the mind level the teenager thinks that even though he has no power today his time will come and he deserves the best today. He will try to fulfill his lopsided dreams by hook or by crook. He considers himself as most important and will do everything to make it so if he feels he can get away with committing illegal acts. Leaders whose minds are stuck at this level are extremely corrupt. They build up illegal fortunes at the cost of the country and the common man. Most third worldcountries have this level mind leaders. Inspite of all the commerce and trade with the neighboring countries they still spend too much on defense neglecting real development sectors.
c) Mature mind (+1)... a responsible nature that respects the equality of all. At this stage the adult mind considers himself as first among equals. He still struggles to make the most for his ownself. He works for his own family first. Leaders who are at this level of the mind work for their whole nation but more so for their own supporters, their own party and their own vested interests first. When it comes to international relations they put their own country above all else. When President Bush places jobs above carbon emissions he is coming from this mind level. Most developed countries are in this category. They especially overspend on defense to remain first in military power at least in their own neighborhood. So called super powers and aspiring super powers try to expand the range of their defense powers by spending even more to show off power beyond their borders. They spend more than they need on defense but they spend enough on other sectors where the economy benefits the whole country.
d) Super mature mind (+2) altruistic nature. At this mind level the mind develops to the highest level of emotional intelligence which is wisdom. The person considers himself as part ofthe whole human family. He considers everyone else as #1 irrespective of caste and creed, gender or economic status. Leaders who manifest themselves at this level genuinely work for the whole country and also try their best to help other countries. They don’t help their own supporters above the opposition. They treat all alike with the same highest respect. For them all the people at large especially the poor are worthy of more attention and financial assistance so
their priorities and policies focus on education, health, infrastructure and
economic growth away from defense. Such leaders bring economic
prosperity and real change in the lives of all the sections of
society. The whole country becomes richer. Such leaders are truly
altruistic and humble. All their spending is rational. Their
priorities are equally focused on education, health, and infrastructure
and defense and every thing in-between. This is the kind of leader
every country needs every time there is an election.
Applying the above clues to wisdom I have
prepared the following questionnaire to determine who is the best
choice from the present contenders. You will have to decide for
yourself I will not name any one. It is up to you to find your own
answers. In fact you can add your own additional questions:Each question will have one of four possible answers. The answers
will be gradedby the level of the mind the candidate has developed in that
particular area of the question. For example:
1) Is she/he cool in private?
a) All the time. The grade for this answer is +2.
b) Most of the time. +1
c) Some times he/she is definitely not cool. -1
d) Most of the time in private he/she is not cool. -2
1) How qualified is he/she for the job? Answer: +2, +1,-1, or-2.
2) What is his/her hands on experience?
3) How motivated is he/she?
4) How stable is he/she emotionally?
5) How much real success has he/she achieved working with others?
6) Does she/he use spin to impress others?
7) Does she/he behave differently in private than in public?
8) Does he loose his/her temper?
9) Does he/she show the same respect to all including his/her assistants?10) Is he/she a good listener?
11) How is her/his health?
12) Is he/she humble?13)
Is he/she a life long learner?
14) Does he/she inspire you?
15) Does he/she have a boxed-in ideology?
16) Is he/she jingoistic?
17) Is he/she ridged in her perceptions?
18) Does he/she trust other experts to do their jobs?
19) Does he/she delegate?
20) Has he/she crossed any red lines in the past?
21) Does he/she own up to mistakes?
22) What kind of upbringing did she/he have?
23) How good is he/she in taking expert advice?
24) Does she/he have any original ideas?
25) How does he handle failures and setbacks?
26) How does he/she handle personal finances?
27) What kind of supporters does he/she have?
28) Does he accept contributions from above suspicion sources only?
29) How green is his/her house and vehicles?
30) How good is he/she with her family?
31) Can you say he/she is altruistic?
32) Is his/her personality made up of substance or spin?
33) Does he/she act or react?
34) What kind of confidence does he/she show?
35) Has he/she used his/her campaign chest wisely so far?
36) Does she/he inspire you?
37) Can his/her advisers tell him/her when he/she is wrong?
38) Does he/she research the issues as an insider?
39) Does he/her articulate his messages?
40) Does she/he mean what she/he says?
What is 'The Wisdom Express':FRANCHISING SERVICES, (FREE OF CHARGE) NAMELY OFFERING TECHNICAL ANDEDUCATIONAL ASSISTANCE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT AND/OR OPERATION OF 'THEWISDOMEXPRESS' WHERE PEOPLE AT LARGE WILL BE EDUCATED TO REALIZE THEIR INDIVIDUAL, GROUP AND COUNTRIES POTENTIAL BY EXERCISING WISDOM, AND LEARNING TO BE WISE IN ALL THAT THEY DO. WITH ESPECIAL EMPHASIS ON GUIDING PEOPLE TO VOTE FOR WHICHEVER CANDIDATE FOR HIGH OFFICE IS THE WISEST. 'THE WISDOM EXPRESS' WILL BE A PLANE/BUS/VEHICLE THAT WILL BEPAINTED WITH WISDOM TEACHING INSIGHTS. SPEAKERS WILL BE TRAINED TOTEACH PEOPLE THE STAKES INVOLVED IN CHOOSING THE RIGHT/WISECANDIDATES. THROUGH THIS VEHICLE WILL BE DISTRIBUTED BOOKLETS EXPLAINING WISDOM AND THAT THE GREATEST POSITIVE CHANGE HAS COME THROUGH WISELEADERS. THIS FRANCHISE WILL BE AVAILABLE TO ALL THOSE WHO WANT TO MAKE THE WORLD +2 AND WHO WANT TO ELECT LEADERS WHO ARE WISE. Starting with America we must take, 'The Wisdom Express' all over the world to make the common man aware of the importance of voting for wisdom. Wisdom is rare only because wisdom is wrapped in ignorance. Wisdom is the highest form of emotional intelligence that creates selfmasters. Lets start branches all over America. We will start here in America by putting a self master in charge of the White House and you can help recreate the same level of leadership in your conner of the world. Together we can make the whole world aware of the power of wise leadership and wisdom in our own lives.We can start learning wisdom ourselves and start teaching it to one and all. Please get in touch through email.
Sajid Ali KhanFounder/President
The 4TH R Foundation, Inc.(Where the R is as in the 3R's of educationand the R stands for truth/reality)
The Brain Power Club(R)
The Wisdom Express
233 East 59 St.NY NY 10022
212 421 4848
Gross National Standards/Values
Just like Gross National Product of countries we have to measure Gross National Standards/Values. Show every country the connection between GNP and Gross National Standards and how standards like Gross National Freedom, Gross National Opportunity, Gross National Tolerance, Gross National Economic Freedom, Gross National Economic Potential, Gross National Priorities, etc. can change the GNP for better and how Gross National Corruption, Gross National Restrictions, Gross National Hatred, Gross National Deception keeps the GNP down.
Take the example of Gross International Relations (even Gross Interstate Relations). There is a trillion-dollar trade between the US, Canada and Mexico. If these neighbors were hostile with each other would this much trade be possible? Would the US GNP be this good?
The American standards are being followed in computers, in aviation and in science and technology. Why can’t we take the best American values like Gross National Freedom, Gross National Economic Opportunity and Gross National laws and show different countries the reason why the American GNP is number 1 in the world and how each country can follow America’s example by following American Gross National Standards adapted to their own needs.
Take for instance the Gross National Law Enforcement. Are the rich and connected above the law and the poor and helpless below the law? Show how these values affect the GNP.
The same concept can also be translated to Gross Personal Values. It can be a precise and exact science of how to increase the potential of each country and each individual by harnessing and channeling its energies and attention in the right direction. By simply changing the laws of the land we can enable countries and individuals to rise to their full potential. We can increase the Gross National Potential of each and every country and the GNP is bound to rise.
Sajid Ali Khan
Take the example of Gross International Relations (even Gross Interstate Relations). There is a trillion-dollar trade between the US, Canada and Mexico. If these neighbors were hostile with each other would this much trade be possible? Would the US GNP be this good?
The American standards are being followed in computers, in aviation and in science and technology. Why can’t we take the best American values like Gross National Freedom, Gross National Economic Opportunity and Gross National laws and show different countries the reason why the American GNP is number 1 in the world and how each country can follow America’s example by following American Gross National Standards adapted to their own needs.
Take for instance the Gross National Law Enforcement. Are the rich and connected above the law and the poor and helpless below the law? Show how these values affect the GNP.
The same concept can also be translated to Gross Personal Values. It can be a precise and exact science of how to increase the potential of each country and each individual by harnessing and channeling its energies and attention in the right direction. By simply changing the laws of the land we can enable countries and individuals to rise to their full potential. We can increase the Gross National Potential of each and every country and the GNP is bound to rise.
Sajid Ali Khan
Obama's Berlin speech was beautiful. It means in an Obama White House the voices from arround the world will be heard and respected. Obama will not start a war. He will shift priorites from destruction to construction. He will extend America's hand in friendship to one and all. His policies will make a big positive difference. So the part of his speech that details where he is comming from has to be rated 5 star. Howerever the part about Christians, Muslims and Jews comming together is no more than a sermon. It is the same as my neighborhood pastor telling us to be good and honest. We listen and applaud and then we go back to our fuzzy lives, trying to better the Joneses and cheating on our taxes. My guru in India once said, 'The importance of life is not judged by what one says, for he may say it to look good. It is not even judged by what one does for she may do it for vanity. The importance of life is judged by what one actually becomes.' Again there are four mind level people as follows:
1) Premature, -2 mind level. No matter how much you tell him to love others selflessly. He cannot do it because he is incapable of selfless love!
2) Immature, -1 mind level. His mind is an opportunist. He will show selfless love only if it is in his interest. He will go against you if that is what advances his own interests.
3) Mature +1 mind level. His mind is responsible. He will show love to all and not hurt anyone but he still wants to be # 1.
4) Super mature +2 mind level. He will understand that every one else is #1 irrespective of caste or creed.
So the whole world will applaud and then settle down to being the person that his brains chemical, electrical and emotional reactions churn out for him to be.
Unfortunately when it comes to religious beliefs the vast majority ingrain some -2 values. Some more than others. So Obama's speech alone cannot bring down this prejudice barries/wall. He must give another speech, ' Why ingraining prejudice hurts the person himself and the persons own group the most.' (Please check out my blog, 'Parable for peace'.) More important Obama must introduce legistation to introduce a new compulsory subject that makes every student into a +2 mind.
Let me give another example.
There were four people living in one neighborhood. One had the resources to build a hut with straw. Another had money to build a house with logs. Another had money for a concrete and glass bunglow. The last had a sprawling mansion built with the finest marble with a rock crystall staircase,full of antiques. Suppose Obama gives a speech that all should have the finest marble mansion. Its not going to happen. Not in a million years. The only way it will happen is if each and every mind is transformed through wisdom education into a +2 mind. So if Obama really wants to see Christians, Muslims and Jews eating in the same plate(maybe this will be too harsh), well if he wants to see real peace he must transform them all into +2 people as individuals and as groups. It is possible only the will is required on the part of the leaders in the Government and main stream education.
Sajid Ali Khan
1) Premature, -2 mind level. No matter how much you tell him to love others selflessly. He cannot do it because he is incapable of selfless love!
2) Immature, -1 mind level. His mind is an opportunist. He will show selfless love only if it is in his interest. He will go against you if that is what advances his own interests.
3) Mature +1 mind level. His mind is responsible. He will show love to all and not hurt anyone but he still wants to be # 1.
4) Super mature +2 mind level. He will understand that every one else is #1 irrespective of caste or creed.
So the whole world will applaud and then settle down to being the person that his brains chemical, electrical and emotional reactions churn out for him to be.
Unfortunately when it comes to religious beliefs the vast majority ingrain some -2 values. Some more than others. So Obama's speech alone cannot bring down this prejudice barries/wall. He must give another speech, ' Why ingraining prejudice hurts the person himself and the persons own group the most.' (Please check out my blog, 'Parable for peace'.) More important Obama must introduce legistation to introduce a new compulsory subject that makes every student into a +2 mind.
Let me give another example.
There were four people living in one neighborhood. One had the resources to build a hut with straw. Another had money to build a house with logs. Another had money for a concrete and glass bunglow. The last had a sprawling mansion built with the finest marble with a rock crystall staircase,full of antiques. Suppose Obama gives a speech that all should have the finest marble mansion. Its not going to happen. Not in a million years. The only way it will happen is if each and every mind is transformed through wisdom education into a +2 mind. So if Obama really wants to see Christians, Muslims and Jews eating in the same plate(maybe this will be too harsh), well if he wants to see real peace he must transform them all into +2 people as individuals and as groups. It is possible only the will is required on the part of the leaders in the Government and main stream education.
Sajid Ali Khan
Friday, July 25, 2008
Its about time America woke up to the 'Obama Phenomina'. We must fully analyze the reasons for his spectacular success. His charishma is due to the fact that his mind is powered by two powerful forces. Aperfect formal education and a near perfect informal education.His formal education is as good as it can be. He is totally qualifiedto be President. What is especial about Obama is his informal education which creates emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence in its highest form is wisdom. Wisdom is the key factorin all great leadership. America has a great tradition of greatleadership. From Benjamin Franklin and George Washington to Linclon,from FDR to JFK America has been blessed with wise leaders. Americais at that time once again when we will be blessed with wiseleadership in an Obama Presidency.What is needed is The Obamanization of America and beyond. Not justObamanization of political leadership also the Obamanization of allaspects of human life. We take great care in our students formaleducation like math andscience while more or less neglecting informal education that createsemotional intelligence(wisdom). Both intelligence and emotionalintelligence are essential for great leadership and just as essentialalso for every human being. This is a great chance for the news mediato highlight the powerful force of wisdom that is powering Obama'smind.THIS IS A TIME TO CELEBRATE OBAMA'S WISDOM AND ALSO ASK OURSELF WHY DO WE HAVE HUNDREDS OF COURSES FOR TEACHING FORMAL EDUCATION LIKEMATH AND SCIENCE AND NOT A SINGLE COURSE FOR TEACHING INFORMALEDUCATION THAT DEVELOPS EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE? MANY OF THE CRISISES OFSOCIETY CAN BE TRACED TO THE LACK OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCEEDUCATION. WILL YOU CONSIDER WAKING UP AMERICA ATLARGE AND THE WORLDOF EDUCATION AND POLITICAL LEADERSHIP TO THE FACT THAT THE TIME HASCOME FOR THE CREATION OF A NEW COMPULSORY SUBJECT THAT TEACHES EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE?
We can create Obama quality minds enmass
We must explore all the ways that Senator Obama's charishma and success can be translated for the benifit of the common man. We must emphasise the difference between Obama and the other leaders. MaCain, Clinton, Romney, Richardson etc. are all brilliant leaders what makes Obama a phenomina is his wisdom. When we see a wise person we know that he is gifted. He is special. Yet the fact is that all human beings are gifted. It is a matter of their upbringing and emotional intelligence education. Most Americans get deprived of wisdom because we are brought up on the idea that, 'I am the best'. Overconfidence creates an unrealistic self image that traps the self.(Do you ever feel restless and dont know why? - Perhaps your true self that is hidden from you wants to get out and be free). Most of us Americans are overconfident of our own potential. No wonder most people here are running running for more and more and we are never satisfied with our successes.The upbringing that Obama got through his elders must be fully researched and it must be made available to one and all. Infact we must research the upbringing of all the great leaders like Gandhi, King Aurther, Franklin etc. and create the best possible guidelines to bring up our children.Is anyone reading my blog out there? I want you to know that I have a complete plan to create a whole new subject that teaches wisdom just like we teach math and science. We can create wise human beings just like we create scientists and lawyers. I have created 'The Wisdom Express' to make people aware of the role of wisdom in great leadership and I am giving out a free franchise to any one who wants to start their own wisdom express. If anyone is interested please contact me at I will guide them to start their own wisdom express. Please also visit for similar information.Kind regardsSajid Ali KhanFounder/PresidentThe Wisdom Express233 East, 59 StreetNY Ny 10022
Did you know that you are a real champion of champions - you beat hundreds of millions of others in a real race.
I have been researching human nature for the last 35 years as a hobby. I have built up a simple hypothesis on the cause of human nature. Most of my ideas have come from inferences and suppositions based on common sense. I have my own angle on many of the unsolved questions of philosophy, especially the mind sciences.Steven Pinker in his book, ‘How the Mind Works’, on page 462 poses a question, ‘Why do we make one big egg and lots of little sperm,instead of two equal blobs that coalesce like mercury?’ I have my own inference as follows:Mother Nature uses one big egg and hundreds of millions of tiny sperm for one simple reason and one reason alone—to ensure that every human that is conceived is a champion of champions, one so good that she/he is the best from hundreds of millions! The sperm race ensures that only a big winner is born and hundreds of millions of sperm ensure that the very best of the very best is born.In order to make this ingenious plan work the only practical way to make every human being a champion of champions was to make the sperm tiny. Imagine hundreds of millions of egg size sperm. The testicles would have to be much, much larger which among other things would be very inconvenient. The amount of energy and body material needed to produce this large quantity and egg size sperm would produce its own logistical problems and would be near impossible.. Even the pathwayfor the sperm to run through would have to be made much larger. So Mother Nature made the sperm tiny to create this perfect way to a human race of only champions.The important lesson here is that Mother Nature does not give us life/birth; She gives us a chance to be born. Every human being has to win the sperm race to get the gift of life. The big lesson here is that each one of us is responsible for our own life. Personal responsibility is far more important then we think.
Sajid Ali Khan
Sajid Ali Khan
Thanks to books like Super Crunchers it is now well established that
numbers can be a good guide from
predicting the quality of wine to creating bumper crops. I have been
advocating numbers in everything from emotions to behavior to
predicting the future life of individuals, groups, companies and
even countries. From basing moral values on numbers to creating
foreign policy on numbers. Numbers can be our guide from choosing
where to live, to choosing a spouse, from finding our bottom line to
becoming a champion of life. We already use numbers in many things
like stocks, finance and wars. We can use them in every thing.
From how to remove poverty to becoming individually super
rich, from
how to become a golf champion to how to climb out of dept. The key to
success, the key to to happiness, the key to peace between nations
and groups all boils down to numbers!
One of the most powerful tools of education is provided by
behavioral psychology. I have combined behavioral psychology with
quantifying the mind as follows:
a)Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
b)Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
c)Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
d)Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.
As all human behavior including emotions spring from mostly one of
the above mind levels I have quantified
all human behavior by the level of the mind it is coming from. For
instance murder is a -2 activity.
To be humble is a +2 behavior.
When it comes to formal education pursuing a career in math or
science one can have quality education that is +2 at each step. In
terms of informal education that teaches emotional intelligence +2
education is available to only a significant section of the American
population. A large section is brought up on
+1,-1 and -2 education. The reason for this is that there is a
standard cutting edge text and curriculum available when it comes to
teaching math and science etc. When it comes to teaching emotional
intelligence there are no cutting edge standard text books as there
is much gray area when it comes to informal education. What is needed
is standard text books complete with lessons and exercises that teach
emotional intelligence based on the numbers game.
Teachers must cultivate awareness of the behavior choices of each
student (even groups and countries). Every child must be brought up
to develop a +2 mind.
With the quantification of the mind numbers can solve the mess in the
world today... Our schools, our governments, our spouses, our
corporations, every individual can all do much better guided by
Everyone is looking for meaning in their lives. One may or may not
find the bottom line 'IT' of our life
but we can certainly come closest to finding 'IT' by becoming +2. We
all find 'IT' from our own developed mind levels from -2, -1, +1 and
+2. It need not be that way. We can all be provided the chance to
find 'IT' from the +2 level.
I have created a whole new subject based on numbers by quantifying
the mind to fill the great missing link of knowledge. A full fledged
subject with lessons and exercises just like in math and science for
providing the knowledge to become +2, based on numbers. If provided
the funding I can create the text books for K-12 and beyond for
students, teachers, parents and even groups and governments.
Your's Truly,
Sajid Ali Khan,
Executive Director/Founder
The 4Th R Foundation, Inc. (R is for reality as in the 3 R's of education)
233 East, 59TH Street,
NY NY 10022
Ph# 212 421 4848
PS: Please also check out my web site, ''.
numbers can be a good guide from
predicting the quality of wine to creating bumper crops. I have been
advocating numbers in everything from emotions to behavior to
predicting the future life of individuals, groups, companies and
even countries. From basing moral values on numbers to creating
foreign policy on numbers. Numbers can be our guide from choosing
where to live, to choosing a spouse, from finding our bottom line to
becoming a champion of life. We already use numbers in many things
like stocks, finance and wars. We can use them in every thing.
From how to remove poverty to becoming individually super
rich, from
how to become a golf champion to how to climb out of dept. The key to
success, the key to to happiness, the key to peace between nations
and groups all boils down to numbers!
One of the most powerful tools of education is provided by
behavioral psychology. I have combined behavioral psychology with
quantifying the mind as follows:
a)Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
b)Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
c)Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
d)Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.
As all human behavior including emotions spring from mostly one of
the above mind levels I have quantified
all human behavior by the level of the mind it is coming from. For
instance murder is a -2 activity.
To be humble is a +2 behavior.
When it comes to formal education pursuing a career in math or
science one can have quality education that is +2 at each step. In
terms of informal education that teaches emotional intelligence +2
education is available to only a significant section of the American
population. A large section is brought up on
+1,-1 and -2 education. The reason for this is that there is a
standard cutting edge text and curriculum available when it comes to
teaching math and science etc. When it comes to teaching emotional
intelligence there are no cutting edge standard text books as there
is much gray area when it comes to informal education. What is needed
is standard text books complete with lessons and exercises that teach
emotional intelligence based on the numbers game.
Teachers must cultivate awareness of the behavior choices of each
student (even groups and countries). Every child must be brought up
to develop a +2 mind.
With the quantification of the mind numbers can solve the mess in the
world today... Our schools, our governments, our spouses, our
corporations, every individual can all do much better guided by
Everyone is looking for meaning in their lives. One may or may not
find the bottom line 'IT' of our life
but we can certainly come closest to finding 'IT' by becoming +2. We
all find 'IT' from our own developed mind levels from -2, -1, +1 and
+2. It need not be that way. We can all be provided the chance to
find 'IT' from the +2 level.
I have created a whole new subject based on numbers by quantifying
the mind to fill the great missing link of knowledge. A full fledged
subject with lessons and exercises just like in math and science for
providing the knowledge to become +2, based on numbers. If provided
the funding I can create the text books for K-12 and beyond for
students, teachers, parents and even groups and governments.
Your's Truly,
Sajid Ali Khan,
Executive Director/Founder
The 4Th R Foundation, Inc. (R is for reality as in the 3 R's of education)
233 East, 59TH Street,
NY NY 10022
Ph# 212 421 4848
PS: Please also check out my web site, ''.
Please review the following and see if you can publish this letter.
There is not a single peace plan out there. It is about time we take
steps to educate all involved that there is always a way out of any mess.
There is a new hypothesis out there that has quantified the human
mind into four basic stages as follows:
1) Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
2) Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
3) Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
4) Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.
Quantifying the mind means that every human activity is now
quantified. Take the example of war and peace. War is a premature
activity having a value of-2. State of war is an immature activity
having a value of-1. Truce is a mature activity having a value of +1.
Peace is a super mature activity having a value of +2.In order to
achieve +2 results one must start with +2 ingredients especially if
the supply of -2 ingredients on both sides is unlimited. Take the
example of World War 1 and 11. The first war defeated Germany with -2
ingredients. The -2 ingredients resulted in another -2 World War 11.
Only the +2 Marshal Plan created the current +2 relations between the
warring factions.
The mess in Iraq looks hopeless with no way out. It seems we do not
have any options. It is about time we woke up and became aware of
our real options in Iraq. It is possible to create a real peace
plan for Iraq.
It is essential that we understand the real nature of wars. Wars
are a -2 entity. Anything that has a value of -2 will only create
-2 results. We are tired of the current Iraq situation yet our
government is still trying the same tactics that have been tried
over and over again and have failed. Dumping more and more money
into the war machine will only increase the
-2 ingredients. We are trying to win peace by force of war. Can -2
ever equal +2? Then how can war(-2) bring peace(+2)? The only way
to bring +2 peace is by introducing +2 ingredients into the Iraqi
A wake up campaign for all Iraqis must be launched immediately.
Show the Shias, Sunnies and the Kurds that the consequences of
their current course will mean more death, destruction, pain and
suffering for many more years. Tell them that they have a choice
between war and peace. Make them aware that that there is another
option for them. An option for peace and prosperity.
Tell them that no American government will ever accept defeat. No
matter what the cost. So in spite of all the toll of life and
resources America will fight on if the Iraqi factions don’t opt for
peace. However if the Iraqi factions decide to start pursuing peace
America can be their equal partner. We will create a Marshal Plan
for Iraq. We will gradually start pulling out our military and
start sending in doctors, engineers and construction teams. We will
spend whatever it takes to help Iraq get back on its feet. We will
help individual Iraqis to get back on their feet. We will rebuild
cities. We will stop spending on -2 ingredients. We will even help
those who are displaced. Iraqis must be made aware of how soon
their lives can start improving if they choose to put the past
behind and embrace peace for a better present and an even finer
We must make them aware that their future is in their own hands and
that the only victories are all +2 victories. They can continue on
the current course or they can choose peace
and all the +2 results that will come with peace. Especially with a
fully committed America that will be fully engaged in rebuilding Iraq.
If the administration will not pursue this peace offer then some
prominent NGOs along with people like President Carter and
President Clinton along with people like Senator Mitchell can post
this on the Iraqi web, TV, radio and especially on bill boards in
Just as we have a war office we must create a peace office. Just as
we have a military we must have a peace army. Imagine an army of
peace personal similar to the US Peace Corps all over the world instead of
the current military personal on bases where the military is
training and waiting for war. Imagine the US peace army replacing soldiers on the current US bases arround the world constructing and building infrastructures all over the world and changing minds and hearts(brains really) through emotional intelligence education.
Sajid Ali Khan
The 4th R Foundation, Inc.
233 East, 59TH Street,
NY NY 10022
212 421 4848
There is not a single peace plan out there. It is about time we take
steps to educate all involved that there is always a way out of any mess.
There is a new hypothesis out there that has quantified the human
mind into four basic stages as follows:
1) Premature mind of a new born child quantified with a value of negative 2.
2) Immature mind of a teenager quantified with a value of negative 1.
3) Mature mind of an adult quantified with a value of positive 1.
4) Super mature mind of a master quantified with a value of positive 2.
Quantifying the mind means that every human activity is now
quantified. Take the example of war and peace. War is a premature
activity having a value of-2. State of war is an immature activity
having a value of-1. Truce is a mature activity having a value of +1.
Peace is a super mature activity having a value of +2.In order to
achieve +2 results one must start with +2 ingredients especially if
the supply of -2 ingredients on both sides is unlimited. Take the
example of World War 1 and 11. The first war defeated Germany with -2
ingredients. The -2 ingredients resulted in another -2 World War 11.
Only the +2 Marshal Plan created the current +2 relations between the
warring factions.
The mess in Iraq looks hopeless with no way out. It seems we do not
have any options. It is about time we woke up and became aware of
our real options in Iraq. It is possible to create a real peace
plan for Iraq.
It is essential that we understand the real nature of wars. Wars
are a -2 entity. Anything that has a value of -2 will only create
-2 results. We are tired of the current Iraq situation yet our
government is still trying the same tactics that have been tried
over and over again and have failed. Dumping more and more money
into the war machine will only increase the
-2 ingredients. We are trying to win peace by force of war. Can -2
ever equal +2? Then how can war(-2) bring peace(+2)? The only way
to bring +2 peace is by introducing +2 ingredients into the Iraqi
A wake up campaign for all Iraqis must be launched immediately.
Show the Shias, Sunnies and the Kurds that the consequences of
their current course will mean more death, destruction, pain and
suffering for many more years. Tell them that they have a choice
between war and peace. Make them aware that that there is another
option for them. An option for peace and prosperity.
Tell them that no American government will ever accept defeat. No
matter what the cost. So in spite of all the toll of life and
resources America will fight on if the Iraqi factions don’t opt for
peace. However if the Iraqi factions decide to start pursuing peace
America can be their equal partner. We will create a Marshal Plan
for Iraq. We will gradually start pulling out our military and
start sending in doctors, engineers and construction teams. We will
spend whatever it takes to help Iraq get back on its feet. We will
help individual Iraqis to get back on their feet. We will rebuild
cities. We will stop spending on -2 ingredients. We will even help
those who are displaced. Iraqis must be made aware of how soon
their lives can start improving if they choose to put the past
behind and embrace peace for a better present and an even finer
We must make them aware that their future is in their own hands and
that the only victories are all +2 victories. They can continue on
the current course or they can choose peace
and all the +2 results that will come with peace. Especially with a
fully committed America that will be fully engaged in rebuilding Iraq.
If the administration will not pursue this peace offer then some
prominent NGOs along with people like President Carter and
President Clinton along with people like Senator Mitchell can post
this on the Iraqi web, TV, radio and especially on bill boards in
Just as we have a war office we must create a peace office. Just as
we have a military we must have a peace army. Imagine an army of
peace personal similar to the US Peace Corps all over the world instead of
the current military personal on bases where the military is
training and waiting for war. Imagine the US peace army replacing soldiers on the current US bases arround the world constructing and building infrastructures all over the world and changing minds and hearts(brains really) through emotional intelligence education.
Sajid Ali Khan
The 4th R Foundation, Inc.
233 East, 59TH Street,
NY NY 10022
212 421 4848
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
The benifits of wisdom
Once upon a time there were two people living on the same land. TheirPatriarch was the same. They both coveted the same real estate astheir holy ground. So they fought for hundreds of years. The timecame when the whole world got affected by their dispute and they bothgot tired of fighting. So they started peace talks which lasted fordecades. Governments came and went and the peace talks went on and onand yet they remained far apart.In both the groups there lived a wise man, each very popular in hisown group. Their actions had brought great prosperity for their ownpeople and even affected the other side. The elders having tried allkinds of leaders finally went to their respective wise man and askedhim to do something. They both agreed to negotiate peace on thecondition that their agreement be honored and implemented.They both had opening statements before going in to the peace room.One of the wise man said to the other, "Your people have done so muchharm to my people that you people deserve to be hated! Yet I couldnever do that because hate is a gang leader. It would never come intomy mind alone. Hate would bringwith it jealousy, fear, anger, guilt, confusion, tiredness and illhealth etc. Harming me more than it would ever harm you. As when thewhole ugly gang settles in it leaves less room for math and science.Also it would result in shifting my focus from our own progress tohow to destroy you thus divertingvaluable resources etc. etc. So for my own sake I have always loved you!The other wise man replied, "Your people have been the scum of theearth for my people yet I have always loved you! For love is a gangleader too. It does not come into the mind alone. It bringshappiness, confidence, pleasure, relaxation, health, calmness etc.into the mind. Thus making the mind more powerful for math andscience. This has brought health, happiness and even prosperity forme and my family. So I have always loved you for my own sake." Afterthese statements they went into the room alone. After two hours theyboth emerged from the room. They had a peace treaty which was a fewpages long. Every one cheered.They were asked how could they work out a peace agreement in twohours where it was not possible for hundreds of years. One of thewise men read a statement that both had jointly written. " We knowthis question will be asked.. Well we went into the room with theright tools for fixing peace. Suppose war is red and peace is blueand your aim is to both create the color blue then you both have togo into the room with the color blue. If we both go into the roomwith the color red then there is no way , not in a 1000 years, thatwe can come out with the color blue. If we went into the room withred paint then all we can come out with is red paint. There is notrick in the world that can change the color red to blue. We bothwent into the room with blue paint only. Even if we tried to producered we couldn't do it because we did not have the tools to producered. Even though we both love each other too much for our ownselfish reasons love can only produce results it is capable of. Lovecan only produce peace!" With the peace treaty every thing was up andup from GDP to Gross National Happiness for both countries.Would you be interested in knowing the exact peace treaty that the two wise men had negotiated?
Once upon a time there were two people living on the same land. TheirPatriarch was the same. They both coveted the same real estate astheir holy ground. So they fought for hundreds of years. The timecame when the whole world got affected by their dispute and they bothgot tired of fighting. So they started peace talks which lasted fordecades. Governments came and went and the peace talks went on and onand yet they remained far apart.In both the groups there lived a wise man, each very popular in hisown group. Their actions had brought great prosperity for their ownpeople and even affected the other side. The elders having tried allkinds of leaders finally went to their respective wise man and askedhim to do something. They both agreed to negotiate peace on thecondition that their agreement be honored and implemented.They both had opening statements before going in to the peace room.One of the wise man said to the other, "Your people have done so muchharm to my people that you people deserve to be hated! Yet I couldnever do that because hate is a gang leader. It would never come intomy mind alone. Hate would bringwith it jealousy, fear, anger, guilt, confusion, tiredness and illhealth etc. Harming me more than it would ever harm you. As when thewhole ugly gang settles in it leaves less room for math and science.Also it would result in shifting my focus from our own progress tohow to destroy you thus divertingvaluable resources etc. etc. So for my own sake I have always loved you!The other wise man replied, "Your people have been the scum of theearth for my people yet I have always loved you! For love is a gangleader too. It does not come into the mind alone. It bringshappiness, confidence, pleasure, relaxation, health, calmness etc.into the mind. Thus making the mind more powerful for math andscience. This has brought health, happiness and even prosperity forme and my family. So I have always loved you for my own sake." Afterthese statements they went into the room alone. After two hours theyboth emerged from the room. They had a peace treaty which was a fewpages long. Every one cheered.They were asked how could they work out a peace agreement in twohours where it was not possible for hundreds of years. One of thewise men read a statement that both had jointly written. " We knowthis question will be asked.. Well we went into the room with theright tools for fixing peace. Suppose war is red and peace is blueand your aim is to both create the color blue then you both have togo into the room with the color blue. If we both go into the roomwith the color red then there is no way , not in a 1000 years, thatwe can come out with the color blue. If we went into the room withred paint then all we can come out with is red paint. There is notrick in the world that can change the color red to blue. We bothwent into the room with blue paint only. Even if we tried to producered we couldn't do it because we did not have the tools to producered. Even though we both love each other too much for our ownselfish reasons love can only produce results it is capable of. Lovecan only produce peace!" With the peace treaty every thing was up andup from GDP to Gross National Happiness for both countries.Would you be interested in knowing the exact peace treaty that the two wise men had negotiated?
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